
 This is my best poem ever, I first composed it in 2008 and been modifying it to its final state.
Enjoy the read.


I captured you into my nest
For you are the one that takes my fancy
Any other person is not to my taste
For no one can touch you for simplicity
Your charm entered my heart with zest
Now i like you to be within reach
In my soul you are the invited guest
Always welcome right where you belong

I hastily responded to your love request
For i saw this coming, i couldn't wait
You uplift me when i am at my lowest
Oh, how i feel so secure in your arms
All those others were never honest
So much they said, so little they meant
But when i know unlike them you are in no haste
It's when i feel so certain about your love

I felt drawn to you , became yours at last
And you how amazing you conquered my pride
Let me put my head on your chest and rest
And be sure to be cherished till infinity
To you i promise i wont be like a pest
I'll see you through the sweets and bitters of life
So never let what we've invested go to waste
That will be the ruin of my dreams